Fisher-Price, Inc. Apps

Little People™ Player 1.2.6
Fisher-Price, Inc.
The Little People™ Player lets your childwatch and interact with their favorite Little People characters!The child-friendly interface makes it easy for mom and her child tofind and select entertaining videos, music, and much more!Designed for children ages 1-5.Features:• 8 videos featuring your favorite Little People friends: Eddie,Sofie, Koby, Mia and Tessa!• A variety of songs for your child to enjoy• Access to your other favorite Little People apps fromFisher-Price================================================================================We recommend parent and child joint media engagement. See ourMedia Viewing Tips at: User License Agreement:
Storybook Rhymes Volume 2 - UK 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Read and sing along to baby’s favourite nursery rhymes! Thisinteractive app encourages early learning with dynamic characters,engaging music, sung songs, animations and two great classicstories: Row, Row Row Your Boat and The Animal Fair.Features:• Features two classic nursery rhyme stories:- Row, Row, Row Your Boat- Animal Fair• Two modes of play that grow with baby’s development:- Sing to Me – For the younger baby, the narrator sings the storiesand any touch advances the content- Read & Learn – For the older baby, the narrator reads thestories and the interactive touch points reveal additional animatedcontent• Tap the screen to interact with surprise animations• Hear engaging music and sung songs for your baby• Personalized book plate for your babyCustomizable Options:• Turn background music on/off• Turn narrator voice on/off• Auto Play - will automatically “turn the page” to advance contentfor baby
Livro de histórias Vol.1 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Leia e cante junto com as rimas favoritas do bebê! Este aplicativointerativo incentiva o aprendizado com seus personagens dinâmicos,música envolvente, canções, animações e duas ótimas historinhasclássicas: um, dois, feijão com arroz e a dona aranha.Trazendo:• Duas rimas infantis clássicas:- Um, dois, feijão com arroz- A dona aranha• Dois modos de brincadeira que se adaptam conforme odesenvolvimento do bebê:- Cante para mim – Para o bebê mais novo, o narrador canta ashistórias e os toques avançam o conteúdo- Ler e Aprender – Para o bebê mais velho, o narrador lê ashistórias e os toques interativos revelam conteúdos animadosadicionais• Toque na tela para interagir com animações surpresa• Ouça música envolvente e canções para o bebê• Etiqueta personalizada com o nome do bebêOpções personalizáveis:• Ligar ou desligar a música de fundo• Ligar ou desligar a voz do narrador• Automático - "vira a página", avançando o conteúdo para o bebêautomaticamenteRead andsing along with the favorite rhymes baby! This interactive appencourages learning with its dynamic characters, engaging music,songs, animations and two great classic stories: one, two, beansand rice and the spider lady.Bringing:• Two classic nursery rhymes:- One, two, beans and rice- The spider lady• Two modes of game that adapts as your baby'sdevelopment:- Sing to me - For the youngest baby, the narrator sings thestories and touches advance content- Reading and Learning - For the older baby, the narrator reads thestories and interactive touches reveal additional animatedcontent• Touch the screen to interact with amazing animations• Enjoy immersive music and songs for baby• Custom Label with name babyCustomizable options:• Enable or disable background music• Connect or disconnect the narrator• Automatic - "turn the page", moving content to the babyautomatically
Livro de histórias Vol.2 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Leia e cante junto com as rimas favoritas do bebê! Este aplicativointerativo incentiva o aprendizado com seus personagens dinâmicos,música envolvente, canções, animações e duas ótimas historinhasclássicas: "Rema, Rema O Barquinho" e "Festa Dos Animais"Trazendo:• Duas rimas infantis clássicas:- Rema O Barquinho- Festa Dos Animais• Dois modos de brincadeira que se adaptam conforme odesenvolvimento do bebê:- Cante para mim – Para o bebê mais novo, o narrador canta ashistórias e os toques avançam o conteúdo- Ler e Aprender – Para o bebê mais velho, o narrador lê ashistórias e os toques interativos revelam conteúdos animadosadicionais• Toque na tela para interagir com animações surpresa• Ouça música envolvente e canções para o bebê• Etiqueta personalizada com o nome do bebêOpções personalizáveis:• Ligar ou desligar a música de fundo• Ligar ou desligar a voz do narrador• Automático - "vira a página", avançando o conteúdo para o bebêautomaticamenteRead andsing along with the favorite rhymes baby! This interactive appencourages learning with its dynamic characters, engaging music,songs, animations and two great classic stories: "Rema, Rema TheToy Boat" and "Party Of Animals"Bringing:• Two classic nursery rhymes:- The Rema Barquinho- Feast Of Animals• Two modes of game that adapts as your baby'sdevelopment:- Sing to me - For the youngest baby, the narrator sings thestories and touches advance content- Reading and Learning - For the older baby, the narrator reads thestories and interactive touches reveal additional animatedcontent• Touch the screen to interact with amazing animations• Enjoy immersive music and songs for baby• Custom Label with name babyCustomizable options:• Enable or disable background music• Connect or disconnect the narrator• Automatic - "turn the page", moving content to the babyautomatically
Macaco das Letras Aprender 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Um aplicativo educacional divertido, que trazos personagens mais adorados da linha Aprender e Brincar! Ascrianças são incentivadas a interagir pelas animações envolventes,canções e efeitos sonoros.Trazendo:• 4 Modos de brincar:1. ABC- toque na tela para ir aprendendo o alfabeto através deanimações divertidas. Após a letra "Z", dance a música doalfabeto.2. 123- toque a tela para ir aprendendo os números de 1 a 10, edepois termine cantando a música que te ensina a contar.3. Formas e cores - toque a tela para aprender sobre formas ecores com animações divertidas.4. Música - toque a tela para dançar e cantar com 4 músicas!• Incline o aparelho para ouvi-lo dar risadinhas!• Ensina as letras de A a Z, números e a contar de 1 a 10,formas, cores e ação e reação
Create & Learn 1.0.16
Fisher-Price, Inc.
The Create & Learn app encouragespreschoolers to develop their fine motor skills in a fun andexciting way, and helps to prepare them for kindergarten!App Features: The Lite app contains all modes of play for lettersA, B and C, while letters D through Z can be unlocked in the fullversion!LEARN• Children can practice proper writing technique for each letter ofthe alphabet in upper and lowercase.CREATE• Have fun with 3 different art activities – complete a puzzle,paint by number, magic color reveal or draw something totallyoriginal!EXPLORE• Interact with 26 different A – Z objects as they animate onscreen! Learn fun facts about each object too!About Fisher-PriceFisher-Price understands that technology is a part of kid’s lives.Our Apptivity™ apps combine physical toys and digital play tocreate a play environment that stimulates learning and imagination.The Apptivity™ line features brands kids love and combines toyswith engaging content that awes and amazes them - delivering theultimate new play experience! For more information on theApptivity™ line of toys and how to create a well-rounded toy boxfor your child – visit
Livre d’apprentissage Volume 1 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Lisez et chantez aux rythmes des comptines préférées de bébé !Cette application interactive favorise l’éveil de votre enfantgrâce à des personnages dynamiques, des musiques entraînantes, desanimations et deux comptines : « Un, deux, je mets mes chaussures »et « L’araignée Gipsie ».Caractéristiques• Inclut deux comptines pour enfant:- Un, deux, je mets mes chaussures- L’araignée Gipsie• Deux modes de lecture qui s’adaptent au développement de bébé:- Mode Chant – Quand bébé est petit, le narrateur chante leshistoires et il suffit de toucher l’écran pour faire avancerl’histoire.- Mode Lecture et Apprentissage – Quand bébé est plus grand, lenarrateur lit l’histoire et les points de contact interactifsrévèlent un contenu animé supplémentaire.• Touchez l’écran pour révéler des animations surprises• Écoutez de la musique entraînante et des chansons pour bébé• Personnalisez le livre en ajoutant le nom de votre bébéOptions :• Position marche/arrêt pour la musique de fond• Position marche/arrêt pour la voix du narrateur• Lecture automatique – « tourne la page » automatiquement et faitavancer le contenu de l’histoire pour bébéRead andsing to the beat of favorite nursery rhymes baby! This interactiveapplication promotes the awakening of your child with dynamiccharacters, catchy music, animations and two rhymes: "One, two, Iput on my shoes" and "Spider Gipsie."Specifications• Includes two rhymes for children:- One, two, I put my shoes- Spider Gipsie• Two modes of play which adapt to the development of thebaby:- Mode Chant - When baby is small, the narrator sings the storiesand simply touch the screen to advance the story.- Reading and Learning Mode - When baby is bigger, the narratorreads the story and interactive touch points reveal additionalanimated content.• Touch the screen to reveal surprises animations• Listen to lively music and songs for babies• Personalize the book by adding your baby's nameOptions:• Position on / off background music• Position on / off the voice of the narrator• Autostart - "turn the page" automatically moves the content ofthe story for baby
Storybook Rhymes Volume 1 - UK 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Read and sing along to baby’s favourite nursery rhymes! Thisinteractive app encourages early learning with dynamic characters,engaging music, sung songs, animations and two great classicstories: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe and Incy Wincy Spider.Features:• Features two classic nursery rhyme stories:- One, Two, Buckle My Shoe- Incy Wincy Spider• Two modes of play that grow with baby’s development:- Sing to Me – For the younger baby, the narrator sings the storiesand any touch advances the content- Read & Learn – For the older baby, the narrator reads thestories and the interactive touch points reveal additional animatedcontent• Tap the screen to interact with surprise animations• Hear engaging music and sung songs for your baby• Personalized book plate for your babyCustomizable Options:• Turn background music on/off• Turn narrator voice on/off• Auto Play - will automatically “turn the page” to advance contentfor baby
Storybook Rhymes Volume 3 - UK 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Read and sing along to baby’s favourite nursery rhymes! Thisinteractive app encourages early learning with dynamic characters,engaging music, sung songs, animations and two great classicstories: Hickory Dickory Dock and Pat-A-CakeFeatures:• Features two classic nursery rhyme stories:- Hickory Dickory Dock- Pat-A-Cake• Two modes of play that grow with baby’s development:- Sing to Me – For the younger baby, the narrator sings the storiesand any touch advances the content- Read & Learn – For the older baby, the narrator reads thestories and the interactive touch points reveal additional animatedcontent• Tap the screen to interact with surprise animations• Hear engaging music and sung songs for your baby• Personalized book plate for your babyCustomizable Options:• Turn background music on/off• Turn narrator voice on/off• Auto Play - will automatically “turn the page” to advance contentfor baby
Mi primer libro digital 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
¡Canta con tu hijo y lee la letra al mismotiempo! Esta divertida aplicación interactiva estimula elaprendizaje del niño a edad temprana gracias a personajesdinámicos, música alegre, canciones divertidas, animaciones y muchomás.Características:• Dos opciones de juego que se adaptan al desarrollo delbebé:- Canta conmigo: el narrador canta, ideal para los máspequeños.- Lee y aprende: el narrador lee, ideal para niños másmayores.• Basta con tocar la pantalla para interactuar con animacionessorpresa.• Música alegre y divertidas cancionesOpciones alternativas:• Se puede apagar la música de fondo.• Se puede apagar la voz del narrador.• Auto Play: pasa página automáticamente para avanzarcontenido.Sing with your child andread the lyrics at the same time! This fun interactive appencourages children's learning at an early age thanks to dynamiccharacters, lively music, fun songs, animations and more.Features:• Two gameplay options that cater to baby's development:- Sing with me: the narrator sings, ideal for children.- Read and Learn: the narrator reads, ideal for olderchildren.• Simply touch the screen to interact with surpriseanimations.• Lively music and fun songsAlternative options:• You can turn off the background music.• You can turn off the voice of the narrator.• Auto Play: page automatically passes to advance content.
Verhaaltjes Verteller, Deel 1 1.0.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Lees en zing met baby’s favoriete kinderliedjes. Dezeinteractieveapp stimuleert spelenderwijs leren met dynamischefiguren, boeiendemuziek, gezongen liedjes, animatie en twee leukeverhalen: “ Een,twee, tel met me mee.” en “Het kleine spinnetje.”Features:• Bevat twee leuke kinderliedjes- Een twee tel met me mee- Het kleine spinnetje• Twee manieren van spelen aangepast aan de ontwikkeling vanjekind- Zing met me – Voor het jonge kindje, de verteller zingtdeverhalen en bij het aanraking van het scherm gaat hetverhaalverder.- Lees en Leer – Voor het oudere kindje, de verteller verteltdeverhalen door aanraking van de interactieve punten krijg jeextraanimaties.• Tik op het scherm voor meer interactieveverassendeanimaties• Hoor boeiende muziek en gezongen liedjes voor je baby• Gepersonaliseerd boek voor je babyCustomizable Options:• Zet de achtergrond muziek aan/uit• Zet de stem van de verteller aan/uit• Auto play – gaat automatisch door het verhaal heen.Readandsing with baby's favorite nursery rhymes. This interactiveappencourages playful learning with dynamic graphics,captivatingmusic, sang songs, animation and two fun stories: "One,two, countwith me." And "The little spider."Features:• Includes two fun nursery rhymes - A two count with me - The little spider• Two modes of play suited to the development of yourchild - Sing with me - For the young child, the narrator singsthestories and at the touch of the screen the storycontinues. - Read and Learn - For the older child, the narrator tellsthestories by touching the interactive points you getextraanimations.• Tap the screen for more surprising interactiveanimations• Hear exciting music and sung songs for your baby• Personalized book for your babyCustomizable Options:• Turn the background music on / off• Set the voice of the narrator on / off• Auto Play - automatically by the saga.
Livro de histórias Vol.3 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Leia e cante junto com as rimas favoritas do bebê! Este aplicativointerativo incentiva o aprendizado com seus personagens dinâmicos,música envolvente, canções, animações e duas ótimas historinhasclássicas: "Rato Arteiro" e "O Bolo".Trazendo:• Duas rimas infantis clássicas:- Rato Arteiro- O Bolo• Dois modos de brincadeira que se adaptam conforme odesenvolvimento do bebê:- Cante para mim – Para o bebê mais novo, o narrador canta ashistórias e os toques avançam o conteúdo- Ler e Aprender – Para o bebê mais velho, o narrador lê ashistórias e os toques interativos revelam conteúdos animadosadicionais• Toque na tela para interagir com animações surpresa• Ouça música envolvente e canções para o bebê• Etiqueta personalizada com o nome do bebêOpções personalizáveis:• Ligar ou desligar a música de fundo• Ligar ou desligar a voz do narrador• Automático - "vira a página", avançando o conteúdo para o bebêautomaticamenteRead andsing along with the favorite rhymes baby! This interactive appencourages learning with its dynamic characters, engaging music,songs, animations and two great classic stories: "Arteiro Mouse"and "The Cake".Bringing:• Two classic nursery rhymes:- Mouse Arteiro- The Cake• Two modes of game that adapts as your baby'sdevelopment:- Sing to me - For the youngest baby, the narrator sings thestories and touches advance content- Reading and Learning - For the older baby, the narrator reads thestories and interactive touches reveal additional animatedcontent• Touch the screen to interact with amazing animations• Enjoy immersive music and songs for baby• Custom Label with name babyCustomizable options:• Enable or disable background music• Connect or disconnect the narrator• Automatic - "turn the page", moving content to the babyautomatically
Where's Puppy's Nose? - UK 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Babies are immersed in an animated learning environment wheretheirlittle finger taps, swipes, tilts & shakes teach all aboutbodyparts with two fun characters & music! Puppy and Kittywillteach baby about nose, ear, eyes, mouth, foot, tummy, hand&head! Designed for babies 6 mos. & up.Features:• Tap, tilt or shake the screen to interact with theanimals.They’ll giggle or slide across the screen to delightbaby!• Music Time!: Hear more about body parts and what they dothroughtwo sung songs!• Teaches body parts, body movements, first words, greetings,andaction/reaction.
Animal Sounds - Mandarin 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
With the Laugh & Learn™ Animal Sounds app,babies are encouraged to learn about animal names and the soundsanimals make through interaction with engaging animations and soundeffects! Baby can tap, tilt or shake to set a learning world inmotion! Designed for babies 6 months and up.Features:• Tap, tilt or shake the screen to interact with the animals.They’ll giggle or slide across the screen to delight baby!• Music Time!: Once baby has learned new animal sounds, it's timeto dance with two sung songs!• Teaches animals, animal sounds, first words, andaction/reaction.
Let's Count Animals - Mandarin 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
With the Laugh & Learn™ Let's CountAnimals, babies are encouraged to learn about numbers and animalsthrough interaction with engaging animations and sound effects!Baby can tap or tilt the screen to set a learning world in motion!Designed for babies 6 mos. & up.Features:• Tap or tilt the screen to interact with the animals. The animalswill be counted when baby taps or slide across the screen when babytilts!• Baby can dance along with two sung songs!• Teaches numbers & counting 1-10, animals, first words andaction/reaction.
Smart Stages™- Around The Farm 1.0.8
With the Laugh & Learn™ Smart Stages™Around the Farm App baby can watch and interact with their favoriteLaugh & Learn characters as they come to life! While baby isexploring around the Farm with Puppy and friends, they will beintroduced to animals, animal sounds, first words, objects andmore!Features:• App starring your favorite Laugh & Learn™ Friends with Puppyat the forefront• Engaging app introduces animals, animal sounds, first words,objects and more!• Smart Stages™ technology: 3 Levels of content that grows withbaby (Explore: 6 months, Encourage: 12 months, Pretend: 18 months);Mom can either select the appropriate age for their baby, or levelthat appropriately corresponds with their individualdevelopmentPersonalized Settings:• Turn background music on/off• Turn home button on/off==============================================================================We recommend parent and child joint media engagement. See ourMedia Viewing Tips at: User License Agreement:
Smart Stages™ Market 1.0
With the Laugh & Learn™ Smart Stages™Market App baby can watch and interact with their favorite Laugh& Learn characters as they come to life! While baby isexploring at the Market and discovering first foods to eat, theywill discover and explore first words, basic objects, shapes,colors, numbers & more!Features:• Smart Stages: 3 levels of play to grow with baby within eachactivity!• Introduces healthy food choices with Puppy & pals• Rich, sing along songs and music to reward baby• Baby appropriate interface created with on-staff Child Researchexpert• Bilingual first words in Level 2Personalized Settings:• Turn background music on/off• Turn home button on/off
Learning Letters Monkey - UK 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
A fun-filled learning app that features baby’s favourite Laugh&Learn characters! Babies are encouraged to interact withengaginganimations, sing-along songs & sound effects.Features:• 4 Modes of play:1. ABC-touch the screen to advance through the alphabet withfunanimations. After letter “Z”, sing and dance along to theABCsong.2. 123-touch the screen to advance through numbers 1-10, attheend sing along to the counting song.3. Shapes & Colors-touch the screen to learn about shapesandcolors through fun animations.4. Music-touch the screen to sing and dance to 4 songs!• Tilt the device to hear Monkey giggle!• Teaches letters A-Z, numbers & counting 1-10,shapes,colors, and action/re-action
Animal Sounds for Baby - UK 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Babies are encouraged to learn animal names and the soundsanimalsmake through interaction with engaging animations andsoundeffects! Baby can tap, tilt or shake to set a learning worldinmotion! Designed for babies 6 months & up.Features:• Tap, tilt or shake the screen to interact with theanimals.They'll giggle or slide across the screen to delightbaby!• Music Time: Once baby has learned new animal sounds, it's timetodance with two sung songs!• Teaches animals, animal sounds, first words,andaction/reaction.
Sångbok - Svenska 1.0
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Läs och sjung med i babyns barnsånger! Den interaktivaappenuppmuntrar till tidig inlärning med dynamiska figurer,engagerandemusik, sånger, animationer och två fina historier: Ett,två, nu skavi gå och Imse vimse spindel.Funktioner:• Innehåller två barnsånger:- Ett, två, nu ska vi gå- Imse vimse spindel• Två leklägen som växer med babyns utveckling:- Läs och sjung – Berättaren sjunger barnsångerna för denyngrebabyn och varje beröring tar dig framåt i historien- Läs och lär – Berättaren läser historierna för den äldre babynochinteraktiva beröringspunkter avslöjar animerat innehåll• Tryck på skärmen för att interagera med deöverraskandeanimationerna• Hör engagerande musik och sånger som sjungs för babyn• Personlig namnskylt för babynInställningar:• Bakgrundsmusiken kan sättas på och stängas av• Berättarrösten kan sättas på och stängas av• Automatisk uppspelning – sidorna vänds automatiskt så attbabynkommer vidare i historienLearnandsing along in the baby's nursery rhymes! The interactiveappencourages early learning with dynamic characters, engagingmusic,songs, animations and two fine stories: One, two, now let'sgo andArachnophobia.Features:• Contains two children's songs: - One, two, now let's go - Itsy Bitsy Spider• Two leklägen that grows with your baby's development: - Learn and sing - The narrator sings children's songs fortheyounger baby and every touch takes you forward in history - Read and learn - The narrator reads the stories of theolderbaby and interactive touch points reveals animatedcontent• Tap the screen to interact with the surprisinganimations• Hear immersive music and songs sung for babies• Personalized nameplate for your babySettings:• Background music can be turned on and off• The narration can be turned on and off• Auto play - the pages turn automatically so that the babywillcontinue in history
Learning Letters Puppy - UK 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
A fun-filled learning app that features baby’s favourite Laugh&Learn Puppy character! Babies are encouraged to interactwithengaging animations, sing-along songs & sound effects.Features:• 4 Modes of play:1. ABC-touch the screen or press Puppy’s ABC paw toadvancethrough the alphabet with fun animations. After letter “Z”,singand dance along to the ABC song.2. 123-touch the screen or press Puppy’s 123 paw toadvancethrough numbers 1-10, at the end sing along to thecountingsong.3. Shapes & Colors-touch the screen or press Puppy’sshapepaw to learn about shapes and colors through funanimations.4. Music-touch the screen or press Puppy’s music paw to singanddance to 4 songs!• Tilt the device to hear Puppy giggle!• Teaches letters A-Z, numbers & counting 1-10,shapes,colors, and action/re-action
Lieder und Geschichten 2 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Lesen und singen Sie Ihrem Baby fröhliche Kinderlieder vor!Dieseinteraktive App fördert frühes Lernen mit lustigenCharakteren,ansprechender Musik, Liedern, Animationen und zweikleinenGeschichten: „Ich ruder auf dem See“ und „Im Zoo bei denTieren“.Funktionen:• Zwei Kinderlied-Geschichten:- Ich ruder auf dem See- Im Zoo bei den Tieren• Zwei Spieleinstellungen, die auf die Entwicklung IhresBabysabgestimmt sind:- Sing mir etwas vor – Jüngeren Babys singt der ErzählerdieGeschichten vor, und mit jeder Berührung geht es auf demDisplayweiter.- Lesen & Lernen – Älteren Babys liest der ErzählerdieGeschichten vor, und die interaktiven Berührungspunkteaktivierenzusätzliche animierte Inhalte.• Berührt Ihr Kind das Display, kann es mit lustigenAnimationeninteragieren.• Fröhliche Musik und Lieder erfreuen Ihr Baby.• Personalisieren Sie das Buch für Ihr Baby.Einstellbare Optionen:• Hintergrundmusik an/aus• Erzähler an/aus• Auto Play – „blättert die Seiten von allein um“.Readandsing to your baby cheerful children's songs! This interactiveappencourages early learning with fun characters, engagingmusic,songs, animations and two short stories: "I rowing on thelake" and"At the zoo with the animals."Functions:• Two children's song-stories:- I rowing on the lake- At the zoo with the animals• Two game settings that are matched to yourbaby'sdevelopment:- Sing me something before - Younger babies sings thenarrator'sstories before, and with every touch it continues onthedisplay.- Reading & Learning - older babies, reads thenarrator'sstories before, and the interactive touch points enableadditionalanimated content.• Touch and your child the display, it may interact withfunnyanimations.• Cheerful music and songs delight your baby.• Personalize the book for your baby.Adjustable options:• Background Music on / off• Narrator on / off• Auto Play - "flips the pages of just about".
Lieder und Geschichten 1 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Lesen und singen Sie Ihrem Baby fröhliche Kinderlieder vor!Dieseinteraktive App fördert frühes Lernen mit lustigenCharakteren,ansprechender Musik, Liedern, Animationen und zweikleinenGeschichten: „Eins, zwei, in die Schuhe hinein“ und„Dieklitzekleine Spinne“.Funktionen:• Zwei Kinderlied-Geschichten:- Eins, zwei, in die Schuhe hinein- Die klitzekleine Spinne• Zwei Spieleinstellungen, die auf die Entwicklung IhresBabysabgestimmt sind:- Sing mir etwas vor – Jüngeren Babys singt der ErzählerdieGeschichten vor, und mit jeder Berührung geht es auf demDisplayweiter.- Lesen & Lernen – Älteren Babys liest der ErzählerdieGeschichten vor, und die interaktiven Berührungspunkteaktivierenzusätzliche animierte Inhalte.• Berührt Ihr Kind das Display, kann es mit lustigenAnimationeninteragieren.• Fröhliche Musik und Lieder erfreuen Ihr Baby.• Personalisieren Sie das Buch für Ihr Baby.Einstellbare Optionen:• Hintergrundmusik an/aus• Erzähler an/aus• Auto Play – „blättert die Seiten von allein um“.Readandsing to your baby cheerful children's songs! This interactiveappencourages early learning with fun characters, engagingmusic,songs, animations and two short stories: "One, two, in theshoesinside" and "The itsy-bitsy spider".Functions:• Two children's song-stories:- One, two, into the shoes- The itsy-bitsy spider• Two game settings that are matched to yourbaby'sdevelopment:- Sing me something before - Younger babies sings thenarrator'sstories before, and with every touch it continues onthedisplay.- Reading & Learning - older babies, reads thenarrator'sstories before, and the interactive touch points enableadditionalanimated content.• Touch and your child the display, it may interact withfunnyanimations.• Cheerful music and songs delight your baby.• Personalize the book for your baby.Adjustable options:• Background Music on / off• Narrator on / off• Auto Play - "flips the pages of just about".
Let's Count Animals - UK 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Babies are encouraged to learn aboutnumbersand animals through interaction with engaging animations andsoundeffects! Baby can tap, tilt or shake to set a learning worldinmotion! Designed for babies 6 months & up.Features:• Tap, tilt or shake the screen to interact with theanimals.They'll giggle or slide across the screen to delightbaby!• Music Time: Once baby is all done counting one to five, it'stimeto dance with two sung songs!• Teaches numbers & counting 1-5, animals, first wordsandaction/reaction.
Livre d’apprentissage Volume 3 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Lisez et chantez aux rythmes descomptinespréférées de bébé ! Cette application interactive favorisel’éveilde votre enfant grâce à des personnages dynamiques, desmusiquesentraînantes, des animations et deux comptines : «Tic-Tac,Tic-Tac, Cloc » et « Tapes Des Mains ».Caractéristiques• Inclut deux comptines pour enfant :- Tic-Tac, Tic-Tac, Cloc- Tapes Des Mains• Deux modes de lecture qui s’adaptent au développement debébé:- Mode Chant – Quand bébé est petit, le narrateur chanteleshistoires et il suffit de toucher l’écran pour faireavancerl’histoire.- Mode Lecture et Apprentissage – Quand bébé est plus grand,lenarrateur lit l’histoire et les points de contactinteractifsrévèlent un contenu animé supplémentaire.• Touchez l’écran pour révéler des animations surprises• Écoutez de la musique entraînante et des chansons pour bébé• Personnalisez le livre en ajoutant le nom de votre bébéOptions :• Position marche/arrêt pour la musique de fond• Position marche/arrêt pour la voix du narrateur• Lecture automatique – « tourne la page » automatiquement etfaitavancer le contenu de l’histoire pour bébéRead and sing to thebeatof favorite nursery rhymes baby! This interactiveapplicationpromotes the awakening of your child with dynamiccharacters,catchy music, animations and two rhymes: "Tic-TacTic-Tac, Cloc"and "Tapes Hands."Specifications• Includes two rhymes for children:- Tic-Tac Tic-Tac, Cloc- Hands Tapes• Two modes of play which adapt to the development ofthebaby:- Mode Chant - When baby is small, the narrator sings thestoriesand simply touch the screen to advance the story.- Reading and Learning Mode - When baby is bigger, thenarratorreads the story and interactive touch points revealadditionalanimated content.• Touch the screen to reveal surprises animations• Listen to lively music and songs for babies• Personalize the book by adding your baby's nameOptions:• Position on / off background music• Position on / off the voice of the narrator• Autostart - "turn the page" automatically moves the content ofthestory for baby
Livre d’apprentissage Volume 2 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Lisez et chantez aux rythmes descomptinespréférées de bébé ! Cette application interactive favorisel’éveilde votre enfant grâce à des personnages dynamiques, desmusiquesentraînantes, des animations et deux comptines : « Rame,Rame surton Bateau » et « Le Zoo ».Caractéristiques• Inclut deux comptines pour enfant :- Rame, Rame sur ton Bateau- Le Zoo• Deux modes de lecture qui s’adaptent au développement debébé:- Mode Chant – Quand bébé est petit, le narrateur chanteleshistoires et il suffit de toucher l’écran pour faireavancerl’histoire.- Mode Lecture et Apprentissage – Quand bébé est plus grand,lenarrateur lit l’histoire et les points de contactinteractifsrévèlent un contenu animé supplémentaire.• Touchez l’écran pour révéler des animations surprises• Écoutez de la musique entraînante et des chansons pour bébé• Personnalisez le livre en ajoutant le nom de votre bébéOptions :• Position marche/arrêt pour la musique de fond• Position marche/arrêt pour la voix du narrateur• Lecture automatique – « tourne la page » automatiquement etfaitavancer le contenu de l’histoire pour bébéRead and sing to thebeatof favorite nursery rhymes baby! This interactiveapplicationpromotes the awakening of your child with dynamiccharacters,catchy music, animations and two rhymes: "Rame, Rame onyour Boat"and "The Zoo".Specifications• Includes two rhymes for children:- Rame, Rame on your boat- The Zoo• Two modes of play which adapt to the development ofthebaby:- Mode Chant - When baby is small, the narrator sings thestoriesand simply touch the screen to advance the story.- Reading and Learning Mode - When baby is bigger, thenarratorreads the story and interactive touch points revealadditionalanimated content.• Touch the screen to reveal surprises animations• Listen to lively music and songs for babies• Personalize the book by adding your baby's nameOptions:• Position on / off background music• Position on / off the voice of the narrator• Autostart - "turn the page" automatically moves the content ofthestory for baby
Libro di filastrocche 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Leggi e canta al ritmo delle filastrocchepiùamate dai bambini! Questa app interattiva stimolal’apprendimentodelle prime nozioni scolastiche con simpaticipersonaggi, musicacoinvolgente, canzoncine, animazioni e dueclassiche storielle: LASCARPA VOGLIO ALLACCIARE e IL RAGNETTO.Caratteristiche:• Contiene due classiche filastrocche:- La Scarpa Voglio Allacciare- Il Ragnetto• Due modalità di gioco che crescono con il bambino:- Canta con Me – Per i bambini più piccoli, il narratore cantalefilastrocche ed ogni tocco fa avanzare il contenuto- Leggi & Impara – Per i bambini più grandicelli, ilnarratorelegge le storie e i punti di contatto interattivi svelanocontenutianimati aggiuntivi• Tocca lo schermo per interagire con animazioni asorpresa• Ascolta la musica coinvolgente e le canzoncine per iltuobambino• Etichetta personalizzata per il tuo bambinoOpzioni:• Accendi/Spegni la musica di sottofondo• Accendi/Spegni la voce del narratore• Auto accensione – “gira la pagina” automaticamente perfaravanzare il contenuto per il tuo bambinoRead and singnurseryrhymes to the rhythm of the most beloved children! Thisinteractiveapp encourages learning the basics school with cutecharacters,engaging music, songs, animations and two classicstories: THE SHOEI WANT TO CONNECT THE RAGNETTO and.Features:• Contains two classic nursery rhymes:- The shoe I want to Connect- The spider• Two game modes that grow with your child:- Sing with Me - For younger children, the narrator singsnurseryrhymes and every touch will advance the content- Read & Learn - For older children, the narrator readsthestories and points of contact interactive animated contentrevealadditional• Tap the screen to interact with animations surprise• Enjoy immersive music and songs for your baby• Custom label for your babyOptions:• Turn on / off background music• Turn on / off the voice of the narrator• Auto ignition - "turn the page" automatically to advancethecontent for your baby
フィッシャープライス ストーリーブック1 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
英語の歌を、読んで歌ってみよう!元気いっぱいのキャラクターたちと一緒に、音楽や歌、アニメーションとあわせて、「いち、に、くつはいて」「ちっちゃなくも」の2つのおはなしが楽しめます。対象は6ヶ月~です。遊び方:・2つの子ども向けの歌のおはなし:「1、2、くつはいて」「ちっちゃなくも」・成長に合わせて2つのモードで遊べます〇うたおう小さな赤ちゃん向け。歌が流れて、画面をタッチすると、次のコンテンツに進みます。〇あそぼう少し大きな赤ちゃん向け。おはなしが聞こえ、画面の指定された場所をタッチするとアニメーションなどが楽しめます。・画面をタッチすると、キャラクターたちがいろんな動きをします・ゆかいな音楽や楽しい歌が聞こえます・アプリケーションの本の表紙にお子さまの名前を表示できます設定オプション・BGM オン/オフ・ナレーション オン/オフ・自動再生 – 自動的にページをめくります※にこにこ!ラーニングは、赤ちゃんが楽しく遊びながら英語に親しめるフィッシャープライスのおもちゃのシリーズです。Let's sing to read,English songs! Along with the characters who peppy, together musicand songs, and animation, two Tsunoohanashi "the position,, TeKutsuhai" and "tiny spider" will enjoy.Target is 6 months to.How to Play:- Story songs for children two:"1, 2, Te Kutsuhai""Tiny Spiders"· I can play in two modes to match the growthSing YesFor little baby. Song flows, when you touch the screen, go to thenext content.Let's play YesGreat for a little baby. I can enjoy the story and animation hear,If you touch the specified location on the screen.• When you touch the screen, characters who will be the variousmovement· Amusing fun music and songs you will hear· I can display the name of the child on the cover of thisapplicationConfiguration option· BGM on / offNarration on / offAutomatic play - I will turn the page automatically※ smile! Learning is a series of toys Fisher-Price to get closeto the English baby while playing happily.
Think & Learn Chameleon 1.0.3
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Chameleon is his name and changing colorsishis game! Kids learn about colors, counting, sorting and morewithChameleon through fun songs, animations and great games! Thiscute(and funny) friend engages kids to mix colors too!Game 1: It’s a Feeding Frenzy – and Chameleon is hungry!Play the fast-paced arcade style game, “Feeding Frenzy” andhelpfeed Chameleon using his long, fast, sticky tongue! Asdifferentcolored or numbered bugs fly by, tap on the bug to lock itinChameleon’s sight and “Zzzzip!”—his tongue shoots out to grabit,and gobble it up! Feed Chameleon bugs to fill the color ornumbertray at the bottom of the screen. See what happens when youfeedhim the wrong bugs. The number and speed of the bugs level upasyou play!Game 2: Color Challenge!Chameleon’s friend challenges him in a color matching (&colormixing) contest! Help Chameleon match the color before timerunsout! Chameleon’s friend appears on-screen sporting the latestcolortrend complete with silly accessories (like sunglasses or ahat)that’s he’s adapted to his color. Feed Chameleon thecorrectcolored bugs – or in higher levels, the correct combinationof bugsto MIX that color. Each time Color Chameleon eats a bug, hechangescolor to reflect the bug, or combination of bugs, eaten.Content levels up as you play!Challenging levels increase with complexity the more youplay!Reveal special reward bugs as you play (new fun and silly bugsareadded as you level up)!Learning & Curriculum Content:Colors & Color mixing! – Chameleon’s favorite hobby!Counting 1x1 (one-to-one correspondence).Counting sets – knowing the last number stated representsentiregroups of items counted.Sorting & Classifying – the ability to compare, contrast,group,sort & categorize objects.For more information about Chameleon and the Fisher-Price®Think& Learn line of toys and apps,
Smart Stages™ Car 1.1.1
With the Laugh & Learn™ Smart Stages™CarApp baby can watch and interact with their favorite Laugh&Learn characters as they come to life! While baby is exploringinthe Car and discovering places to visit, they will be introducedtofirst words, basic objects, animals, animal sounds and more!Features:• App starring your favorite Laugh & Learn Friends with Puppyatthe forefront• Engaging app introduces baby to first words, basicobjects,animals, animal sounds and more!• Smart Stages™ technology: 3 Levels of content that grows withbaby(Explore: 6 months, Encourage: 12 months, Pretend: 18 months);Momcan either select the appropriate age for their baby, or levelthatappropriately corresponds with their individualdevelopmentPersonalized Settings:• Turn background music on/off• Turn home button on/off================================================================================We recommend parent and child joint media engagement. SeeourMedia Viewing Tips at:
Babygear Virtual Experience 2.0
Fisher-Price, Inc.
It’s the best new way to shop for baby’s gear!You can virtually “try it” before you buy it—in your ownhome!Interactive virtual shopping experience lets you view andexplorethe Fisher-Price® Smart Connect™ 4-in-1 Cradle ‘n Swingusing yourown “real-time” home environment as your background, soyou can seeexactly how it will look and fit in your space, and howyou cancontrol it using Bluetooth Smart technology! Put it in yourfamilyroom…or your kitchen…or even your bedroom—wherever you thinkyoumight use it. You can even save a picture of it “in your home”toshare on your Wish List, or to compare and coordinate as youshop.Select and view other mom and baby-favorite Fisher-Priceswings,too. Includes camera mode option.The printable marker can be downloaded from here: out some features of the Smart Connect™ 4-in-1 Cradle‘nSwing right from the app:• Two swinging motions (head-to-toe or side-to-side)• SmartSwing technology with 6 swing speeds• Soothing music with adjustable volume control• Motorized mobile with light-up birdie• Easy conversion to two-way portable rocker seat• AC adapter for optional plug-powered operation
Lerne Tiere kennen 1.1.1
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Durch Interaktion mitansprechendenGeräuscheffekten wird Ihr Baby spielerisch an Tiereund deren Lauteherangeführt! Durch Berühren, Kippen oder Schütteln,wird eineganze Lernwelt zum Leben erweckt! Für Babys ab 6 Monaten.Funktionen:• Berühren: Berühren Sie das Display, damit Ihr Baby dieBezeichnungdes Tieres und den dazugehörigen Laut hört.• Kippen: Halten Sie Ihr iPhone schräg, und die Tiere rutschennachlinks bzw. rechts über das Display.• Schütteln: Schütteln Sie Ihr iPhone, um jedes Tier zu„kitzeln“.Insgesamt gibt es 14 Tiere, an denen sich Ihr Babyerfreuenkann.• Musikspaß! Hat Ihr Baby neue Tierlaute kennen gelernt, ist esZeitfür zwei lustige Lieder, zu denen es sich bewegen kann!• Ihr Baby lernt Tiere und Tierlaute kennen und wird an ersteWörterund den Zusammenhang zwischen Ursache und Wirkungherangeführt.Through interactionwithappealing sound effects, your baby will playfully introducedtoanimals and their sounds! By touching, tilting or shaking, awholeworld of learning comes to life! For babies from 6 months.Functions:• Touch: Touch the screen to help your baby the name of theanimaland the associated volume listening.• Tilt: Hold your iPhone at an angle, and the animals slide leftorright across the screen.• Shaking: Shake your iPhone, "tickle" to each animal. Intotalthere are 14 animals in which your baby can enjoy.• Music is Fun! Does your baby have learned new animalsoundsfamiliar, it's time for two funny songs, to which itcanmove!• Your baby learns to animals and animal sounds familiar andisintroduced to first words and the relationship between causeandeffect.
Smart Cycle SpongeBob Deep Sea
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Explore the world of Bikini Bottom with the Fisher-Price SmartCycle!
Laugh & Learn™ First Words Fun 1.7.0
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Play and interact with Fisher-Price® First Words Blocks andourfavorite friends, Puppy and Sis! Three levels of Smart Stagesplayoffer fun games and activities that grow with baby. Features:•Level 1-Explore (6m+): Teaches first words and bringsfamiliarobjects to life! • Level 2 – Encourage (12m+): Fun matchinggamereinforces first words and encourages development ofcriticalthinking and fine motor skills. • Level 3 – Pretend (18m+):Explorethe four seasons with Puppy and Sis by creating fun sceneswithfirst words. • Fun 3D music videos!
Think & Learn Rocktopus 1.7.0
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Think and learn while you make music videos with Rocktopus!Diveinto fun with Rocktopus and his band as you create musicvideosunder the sea! With 90 animated facts about musicalinstruments,the play and learning never ends! Tap to select yourvenue, thenchoose a song or record your own! Drag bandmates to makethemperform, and customize your video with selfies, speech andspecialeffects! Features - 4 Undersea Venues (Coral Cove, TheShellmore,The Captain’s Plank, Lazy Bottom Lounge) - 5 Music Genres(Rock,Jazz Funk, Classical, Pop, World) featuring songs from thetoy! -15 Instruments (Guitar, Bass, Drum Kit, Piano, Trumpet,Saxophone,Violin, Xylophone, Clarinet, Keyboard, Drum Machine,Cowbell,Congas, Steel Drum, Maracas) - 18 Aquatic Bandmates, plus 6themedvariations of Rocktopus himself! - 90 Fun Facts aboutInstrumentswith animated illustrations - Greatest Hits gallery forsaving andexporting your music videos! - Songs, instruments andthemes fromthe Think & Learn Rocktopus™ STEAM toy byFisher-Price Learning& Curriculum Content - Instruments, Facts& MusicalKnowledge: As children tap the bubbles while playing,they’ll hearfun musical facts & learn interesting things aboutthedifferent musical instruments within the app. - Creativity&Imagination: The app encourages children to be creative astheydesign their own music videos and watch them back. They caneveninclude their own “selfie” in the fun, as they imagine allthepossibilities of their cool musical band! For moreinformationabout Rocktopus™ and the Fisher-Price® Think & Learnline oftoys and apps, please visit:
Smart Cycle Blaze Speed & STEM
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Drive as Blaze and the Monster Machines with the Fisher-Price SmartCycle
Smart Cycle Hot Wheels 1.0
Fisher-Price, Inc.
**Smart Cycle® hardware and In-App Purchase required for game play—because the more kids pedal, the more they can learn!**Speedthrough the iconic orange track as you explore Hot Wheels®City!Race as Shark Bite™, Chicane®, Bone Speeder™ and DragonBlaster™ asyou play mini games along the way! Discover interactivelocationswhere kids can customize their car, or build their owntrack!Learning curriculum is woven throughout the app andnaturallylevels up as kids learn. With all of Hot Wheels® City toexplore, 2Supercharger challenges, Creation Stations and a TrackBuilder,your preschooler will gain the tools they need forkindergartenreadiness, while having fun along the way! APP TEACHES:Designing& Building with Technology Scientific Thinking PhysicsSkipCounting, Addition & Subtraction INCLUDES DRIVING,GAMING,RACING & MORE! TRACK BUILDER! Kids can build their ownHotWheels® track and take it for a test ride using the SmartCycle®controls! Choose from the available track options and createatrack that turns left, right, and even changes elevation! Onceyourtrack is complete, drive it in the digital space. Save up tothreeof your favorite tracks to play again! LET’S RIDE! ExploreHotWheels® City and discover interactive checkpoints while youcollectenergy and count by 1s, 10s, 5, and 2s. Curriculumincludescounting by 1-30 sequentially, by tens 10-100, by five to100 andby two to 30. Collect three numbers to get a power surgespeedboost then pull into the Color Creation Station -to spray yourcarwith different paint colors and cool effects. HOT WHEELS®CITYRACE! Kids pedal as fast as they can against their opponent towinthe race! SUPERCHARGER CHALLENGES! Kids who add and subtract intwodifferent challenges are rewarded with a huge speed boostacrosssome of the most interesting track sections in the game. IntheShark Blast Challenge and Cobra Crunch Challenge kids arepresentedwith addition and subtraction math problems — get thenumber ofcars into the shark’s mouth and cobra’s mouth correctlyand beturbo boosted past them to continue their race! Formoreinformation about the Fisher-Price® Think & Learn line oftoysand apps, please visit:©2017Mattel. HOT WHEELS and associated trademarks and trade dressareowned by Mattel. ® and ™ designate U.S. trademarks ofMattel,except as noted.
Smart Cycle Shimmer Shine Math
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Play as Shimmer, Shine, Zeta or Leah to fly, race and play games.
Smart Cycle Barbie Dreamtopia
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Take a magical ride through Barbie Dreamtopia™on a rainbow rollercoaster!
Think & Learn Code-a-pillar™ 1.7.0
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Guess who needs your help? The cute, smart andirresistibleCode-a-pillar™! Will Code-a-pillar™ make it to the endof the maze?Will he eat the right number of leaves and fill hisbelly up forthe next challenge? It’s in your hands to find out! Funrewards,sound effects and animations add to the play and learningfun! Mazeand numbers games gets kids thinking through solutions toproblems!Help Code-a-pillar™ meander through obstacles to reach histargetby creating a path for him to follow using the included draganddrop command segments. Will he hit the boulder or find hiswayaround with YOUR help? Unlock special coding segments andobstaclesas you level up! After all of his hard work, helpCode-a-pillar™re-fuel and get something to eat! Code-a-pillar™ willask you tofind a specific number of leaf bundles – drag the correctleafbundles towards his mouth to feed him. Content levels up asyouplay! Challenging levels, increase with complexity – the moreyouplay, the more you learn! Learning & CurriculumContent:Planning & sequencing - preschoolers learn to followmulti-stepplans to achieve a goal. Problem Solving - generate andexecute asolution to any problem. Number Recognition - understandandrecognize numbers in Code-a-pillar’s™ world. Counting in Order-gain knowledge about numbers and how they go in order to formasequence. For more information about Code-a-pillar™ andtheFisher-Price® Think & Learn line of toys and apps,pleasevisit:
Fisher-Price® Smart Connect™ 9.0.2
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Control all your Fisher-Price® Smart Connect™ items right from yoursmart device
Smart Cycle Tech City
Fisher-Price, Inc.
Team up with T.R., Walla, Widgey and Frita as they travel to TechCity™!